Unlike several other APIs which require the device to send its data to the Internet where it can then be retrieved for use, Teslas have enabled direct access to the Powerwall 2 data in the Gateway ...
Home Control: Powerwall 2 API
Home Control: Nest Thermostat API
To get connected into the Google Nest API is rather complicated and costs $5 ($10 in my case since I did it against the wrong email the first time!). It utilises the Device Access Program from Goog...
Home Control (redirect)
Refer to Home Control section under Electronics
RetroPie – Themes
This section describes work done on my own RetroPie theme. Note that some of the folders below are named as per the build used and in other builds might use different folders, e.g. _art instead of ...
RetroPie – EmulationStation
EmulationStation is the graphical front-end and game launcher for RetroPie. It allows users to select a system, and then a game ROM within that system, and loads the relevant emulator with the ROM ...
Install RetroPie on Raspberry Pi 4B
RetroPie turns the Raspberry Pi (or PC) into a retro-gaming machine. It builds upon Raspbian, EmulationStation, RetroArch and many other projects to enable you to play your favourite Arcade, home-c...
Sarah & Alan
Sketchup files for the house, the Gites, and the site Design files for the “Forest Gites” swinging sign Photos of the site in the “old days”
Jo & Dave
Sketchup file for the house, includes proposal for outside office
Bob & Jane
House File, somewhere to keep notes regarding the house Sketchup file for the house Project files for all the major changes (bedroom, kitchen, etc)
IKEA Assembly Instructions
The following assembly instructions are available in the folder Files on Titan: /Archive_Jekyll/files/house-diy/ikea-assembly-instructions/… Enudden – Toilet brush Godmorgon (l...