Home Woodwork
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I love making things, and I really enjoy working with wood. In my younger days I had to make do with the cheapest tools I could buy, but today I have been able to acquire some slightly better ones, most of my power tools are Makita which my son-in-law uses for work and swears by.

I was very pleased with the mobile bench I built for my 10″ table saw, which includes space for a router insert although I haven’t got around to that yet. I made a cross-cut sled for it, which made cutting more accurate for me (I’ve never been particularly good with a handsaw) and my most useful build was a pair of torsion benches based on Ron Paulk’s bench that sit on plastic horses. They have earned their keep and more.

In 2017 I built a deck and pergola out the back of the house which turned out very well. I got to buy a mitre saw to help with that which I really could not have done it without. And trying to screw all those decking boards with a hand screwdriver like I used to do; fortunately that was not required as I have a pair of cordless screwdrivers now.

My most recent project has been building a new fully fitted kitchen which my wife loves (got to keep her sweet for when I need to acquire another tool!).

References / Resources

  • Files on Titan: /Archive_Jekyll/files/woodwork/…
    • Table saw Sketchup model
    • Torsion bench Sketchup model
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