BMDS started life in 1999 as an emulator for my first “computer” at University, a Microtan 65 using a 6502 microprocessor. Having got the basic machine running I added a 6502 assembler, a disassembler module, then a breakpoint management and a memory comparison utility.
Then I diversified into a CHIP-8 emulator, built on the same code architecture, having had a friend find an old Pong machine in his loft. At last go I added a Space Invaders emulation which used a 8080 processor.
So the program went from being called the Microtan Emulator, to the Microtan Development System (MDS) and finally became BMDS (Beyond the Microtan Development System).
BMDS is written in Pascal, originally using Borland’s Delphi under Windows, but has been ported to Lazarus / Free Pascal on my Mac. It should still compile fine on Windows but I have not tested that recently. Source code is available on GitHub or in the bob/GitHub/BMDS/