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This “website” is a repository for all the data I have collated over many years, somewhere I can put all the notes regarding various projects I’ve done, and other “stuff”.

The main subject headings are in the menu bar at the left of the screen, and a limited search can be made with the Search box at the upper right.

Archive Files Structure

Many files related to the various articles can be accessed by links within the article, or directly by accessing the folder /Media/Archive_Jekyll/files/ on Titan NAS. In general files are placed in sub-folders by subject category then by subject title.

Quite often there are other files not directly referenced in the archive articles, and these will normally be listed by folder in the Resources section of articles. These files can only be accessed by going to the referenced folder directly in MacOS Finder.

Archive Backup

The archive’s source files are on Bob’s Mac under ~/Documents/jekyll_website with Jekyll building the static website in the subfolder _site. The whole of jekyll_website is copied to /Media/Archive_Jekyll/jekyll_data on Titan, with the Archive being served by Apache from the subfolder _site there. All the various static data files are in the Titan folder /Media/Archive_Jekyll/files.

The Jekyll source files are backed up by TimeMachine on the Mac, and the bi-weekly backups. The whole Archive including static data is backed up as part of the whole Media dataset backup with the monthly Titan backup.

Notes for the archive [Delete this from /index.md on completion]

  • add security to some pages

Born in the early ’60s I grew up in Nelson, Lancashire the eldest son with three brothers and a sister.

School started at Castercliff County Primary School, high-school at Walton High School, and college at Nelson & Colne College of Further Education. I then moved to the midlands to do my degree in Electronics & Computer Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Whilst I was at university I was a an officer-cadet with the Birmingham University OTC (Officers Training Corps).

After a couple of years working at the Lucas Research Centre in Solihull, designing engine management systems for cars, I joined the Royal Navy as an Instructor Officer. I met my future wife about the same time. I served sixteen years as a RN officer in a number of different posts specialising in Communications and Electronic Warfare systems. I then went into the defence industry doing much the same as I did in uniform, but without the long hours and time away from home!

Early retirement at 55 has given me time to catch up with the things I struggled to find time to do whilst working.

My interests include computers and technology in general, woodworking, photography, making plastic model kits, general DIY and I read a lot.

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